OSRA Membership Levels & Benefits 2024

Member Levels and Annual Fees

Based on staff count *PlatinumGoldSilverAssociateSupporting OrgSupporting Individual
(FTE count, including contractors, of entire entity for robotics companies, or, the involved business unit / division for multi-market companies)
5000+ FTE staff$175,000$75,000$50,000
1000 - 4999 FTE staff$150,000$60,000$30,000
500 - 999 FTE staff$100,000$40,000$20,000
100 - 499 FTE staff$75,000$30,000$15,000
11 - 100 FTE staff$50,000$20,000$10,000
0 - 10 FTE staff / non-profit orgs$25,000$10,000$5,000
Non-profit orgs, academia, govt orgs$1,000
Any organization$1,000
Any individual$50

Member Benefits

PlatinumGoldSilverAssociateSupporting OrgSupporting Individual
Hands-on participation in Open Robotics project governance through Technical Governance Committee seat
(One seat per Platinum member)(One seat per three Gold members, rep to be voted in)(One seat per five Silver members, rep to be voted in)(One observer/ non-voting seat, rep to be voted in)(One seat, rep to be voted in)
Digital badge for use in communications, presentations, and any other marketing collateral
Access to exclusive member merch store
Linked listing on OSRA website and other Open Robotics channels
Static listing on OSRA website
Sponsorship discounts and priority selection on limited packages for ROSCon and other Open Robotics events
Recognition on quarterly OSRA reports and mailings
Job board cross-posting on Open Robotics channels
Quarterly sync with Open Robotics leadership team
Rotation in featured sponsor posting on OSRA website
Guest list inclusion on Sense Think Act (Open Robotics' podcast)
Sponsor news ticker on OSRA website

Our members





Supporting Organizations

Supporting Individuals

Agar, Daniel
Agarwal, Avni
Amadio, Lou
Arzt, Uwe
Bihlmaier, Andreas
Blasdel, Aaron
Bovbel, Paul
Brameld, Kenji
Carroll, Michael
Chatzinikolis, Dimitrios
Festo, Matthew
Foote, Tully
Fujita, Tomoya
Gonzalez Rodriguez, Miguel Angel
Gutierrez Giraldo, Marco Antonio
Jin, Junghun
Kandarpa, Anirvin
Kim, Jincheol
Knapp, Emerson
Lau, Preston
Lee, Hyunsoo
Lobban, Andre
Logan, Scott
Loretz, Shane
May, Terry
Moore, Tom
Muthukrishnan Padmanabhan, Pradheep
Najjar, Tony
Newans, Joshua
Nishimatsu, Daisuke
Pan, Yue
Pecka, Martin
Pennings, Ryan
Peters, Steven
Pyo, YoonSeok
Ragnarok, Steven!
Rivero, Jose Luis
Servin, Gary
Smith, Douglas
Stasse, Olivier
Sukumar, Pradyum Aadith
Toberman, Jason
Tuxworth, Tim
Vaghela, Siddharth
Vijay, Yadunund
Wagoner, Robert